Sunday, May 22, 2011

New Cat-toonz

Hey everyone...sorry I've been slacking on this blog.
Life has been crazy as I'm sure everyone's life is these days!
But thought I should share with you my new Toonz at Life With Cats Website.
The first one is drawn based on the new family pet we bought.  It took some nagging and serious pleading from the kids before my husband and I caved in!  We brought home a black and white hamster named Elvis. We had him home for three weeks shut in my daughters room, before the cats ever knew.  We finally bought a hamster ball for him, so he can roam the living room and tantalize the cats!  It worked!  They were so curious to what that was in a rolling ball; although one of my cats, Winnie was very stand -offish.
So hence my new comic.  My cat Eddie followed that hamster ball everywhere and I could just see the wheels turning in his head.  FOOD catered to me in a rolling ball!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

My first cartoon on Life With Cats

I am so excited! I have been asked to submit a cat cartoon every Sunday on the web page Life With Cats!
The idea is to draw a cartoon from a cat's point of view. I will mostly be using Eddie,Winnie and my other cats as subjects. I will also use Eddie and Winnie's friends as well.
My dream has always been to draw animal cartoons through children's books or greeting cards! So why not start with a website! Thank you to the team at Life With Cats for giving me this opportunity and a beginning to my dream!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011


Hello friends...
Welcome to my blog where it's the cat's meow!
Please be patient while my blog is under construction. I have been designing it, whenever time allows.
 I have 6 cats, 2 dogs, a hamster, 4 children and a husband! Whew!! So you can see why I mean 'when time allows'.
Soon I will be posting more drawings in the 'gallery section' as well as setting up a 'Pricing' page.
My specialty is to draw your pets in a cartoonic way. I can draw all sorts of pets not just cats. If you are interested in having your pet drawn; please e-mail me any information. Including photos, your pet's personality, favorite toys, habits and such. The materials I mostly use is colored pencils and ink ~ available in 2 sizes at this time.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and thank you for your patience!

                                              Two of my loves~ Eddie and Winnie-Girl